Saturday 23 February 2013

A Great Way To Start The Year!

Our second annual Mystery Trip kick-started the year.

On Tuesday 29 January at 12pm, we had a powhiri (formal welcome) in Ruamoko Marae, to welcome new students and staff. After that we had lunch in the Common Room… then the game started!
Two groups of students were handed a quiz of ten questions. Once a team had all the answers correct, they were given their first envelope. Inside was a photo of a park with old buildings to help identify the location. The second team’s envelope contained a photo of a Mega-zone building.

The race was on and the teams were off! They had to race to their locations and take a group photo proving that they found the right place, and their next clue… a photo of the next location.

Having raced to five different locations, the teams then had to find stones with their names on and take them to their final destination - Chosen Valley Christian Camp.

We all picked which cabins to stay in for two nights. We had a meal and then a welcome speech from the Activities Coordinator who explained the rules of Chosen Valley and the safety rules for the activities.

To wind down after our race across Auckland, everyone came together in the evening, sat in the lounge and had a chance to catch up with each other.

The next morning everyone was eager to try the activities.

In the evening, due to the fire ban around Greater Auckland, instead of a campfire most of us went for a one-hour walk up the hill to see the view of the Franklin/Ararimu area.

When we were all back in the lounge Susan presented the activities and responsibilities for 2013. All of the preparations for this year have been very positive and everyone is looking forward to having a good year.

It was great to see older students helping out with new students, making them feel part of the group and supporting less abled students throughout the stay.

One of the students gave a thank you speech to the camp organiser, who appreciated their time and the students’ impeccable behaviour while there.

Some students are now keen to organise the next mystery trip next year. One staff member will guide them. It seems that the students are getting more confident planning events as each year goes by.

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